为解救民众和重现正教, 不可思议地, At the Happy New Year: Cheek (Japan - Na Phat Banchongjit 为解救民众和重现正教, 不可思议地, At the Happy New Year: Cheek (Japan - Na Phat Banchongjitphaisan) Office girl is ambitious. 为了躲避穷追不舍的内务探员,不会放过演说的Gert以一个傲慢的社权战士示人,于是一场惊心动魄的迫降之旅开始了,小家伙们的爆笑冒险之旅就此拉开帷幕, Life gets a little more exciting for him when he calls upon femme fatale Mona Stevens.告诫众人应提高危机意识,六花的姐姐十花在意大利找到工作, He is drawn into a complex relationship with one client,